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 >  > Fight for Survivors


Fight for Survivors is a group of trial lawyers who are dedicated to providing justice to survivors of trauma. Law firms are known for their traditional media advertising methods, but Fight for Survivors wanted to do something different. They approached Impresedia to help them build their online reputation and reach a new audience through paid media advertising.

Impresedia recognized that the key to Fight for Survivors’ success was to target a new audience that was eager to learn about their services. The agency designed a targeted paid media advertising campaign that focused on the interests and behaviors of this audience.

The ads were designed to showcase Fight for Survivors as an industry leader in providing justice to survivors of trauma. The agency used Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok advertising to reach the target audience effectively.

Impresedia’s paid media advertising strategy proved to be effective. Fight for Survivors saw their follower count increase five times, and they saw a 79% decrease in cost per follower and a 36% decrease in cost per thousand reached. This resulted in a more efficient use of their advertising budget and more effective targeting of their desired audience.

Impresedia’s paid media advertising strategy helped Fight for Survivors reach a new audience and establish themselves as industry leaders in abuse and assault litigation. The strategy was focused on the target audience’s interests and behaviors, resulting in an efficient use of the advertising budget and effective targeting. As a result, Fight for Survivors was able to build their online reputation, reach a new audience, and drive conversions.


